Wednesday, November 30, 2011

USA: Gabrielle Agachiko and 7-piece band @ Armory

"Loved your performance...You're a terrific singer. I love the strength & nuance of your voice. And you're just a very appealing performer - so present and at one with your music. I loved all the different moods you hit and all the shades of affect - angry, tender, sassy, soulful, womanly, girlish, light, heavy, sorrowful, dignified, wounded to name just a few.... It takes a lot of courage to go to all of those places. The cherry on top was your facetious delivery of Wives and Lovers! Loved it. So glad we were there!" –Pam DiColo, audience member

"Within a single set, I wanted to be her best friend!"
–Constance Tenney, Art for the Heart

"When the band is cooking — when, say, Getchell and Gershon take turns letting loose Coltrane-like cries on one of Agachiko's most soul-baring tunes, "Unlovable" — the effect might remind you a bit of Nina Simone, but also of Abbey Lincoln's work with her then-husband, Max Roach."
–Jon Garelick, Boston Phoenix

Scott Getchell - trumpet
Geni Skendo - flute
Russ Gershon - tenor sax
Sam Davis - guitar
Blake Newman - bass
Phil Neighbors - drums

Agachiko returns to
Arts at the Armory:
Saturday, December 3, 8 pm; two sets

Somerville MA venue to host Gabrielle Agachiko and 7-piece band